
Hubei Xiangyang textile industry: Traditional advantages shine

"There are no sunset industries, only sunset technologies." This sentence is used in the development of textile and clothing industry, very image.

The continuous vitality of industrial economy stems from the continuous technological transformation, and the textile and garment industry is a typical representative.

In the past two years, xiangyang's textile industry, as a traditional advantageous industry, has become a brilliant flower again with the strong support of technological transformation and transformation and upgrading.

"Moved" out of the industrial new city

In late September, with the approval of the municipal government, six city-level characteristic industrial parks were added. So far, there are two textile industrial parks among the 20 municipal characteristic industrial parks in the city: the textile and garment Industrial Park in Xiangzhou and the chemical fiber textile Industrial Park in Fancheng.

In 2010, Xiangzhou District seized the major opportunities of the textile industry transfer in coastal areas and the out-migration of textile enterprises in xiangyang urban area, and planned to build a textile and garment industrial park, which became a national pilot textile industry transfer park in 2013.

At present, the park built area has reached a period of 14 square kilometers, in industrial projects, 68, 35, textile and garment of these projects production of textile enterprise 13, 20 textile projects under construction, textile and garment industry cluster degree is above 60%, new city is forming a industry, textile and garment industry has become one of XiangZhou area four pillar industries.

Some leading and flagship projects have been settled in the park: Hubei Textile ecological Industrial Park with an investment of 5.5 billion yuan has been settled in the park; Xinguoyuan high grade spinning project with an annual production capacity of 100,000 ingots has been put into operation. Xiangyang Xingyue Textile Co., LTD., which invested 70 million yuan for technical transformation, has improved the quality and grade of products once again.

"Turn" out of the upgrade file

Only by continuously promoting technological transformation can enterprises ensure low cost, high quality and enhance competitiveness. Xiangyang Xingyue textile Co., LTD is a typical representative of the technical transformation of xiangyang textile and garment industry.

Xiangyang Xingyue Textile Co., LTD., founded during the eighth Five-year Plan period, now has the world's top production equipment, and achieved an output value of more than 500 million yuan last year. Since the company established in October 2011 academicians experts since workstations, has created the enterprise technology centers recognized by the national engineering technology research center, high density, hubei province, home textile fabrics, new composite fabrics in hubei province key laboratory of environmental protection, industrial design center and postdoctoral research station in hubei province, in the enterprise technology innovation has played a vital role.

"Gather" out of the textile industry city

According to the statistics of the Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology, the city has 3.1 million cotton spindles with an annual output of 681,000 tons of all kinds of yarns; There are 25,500 cloth machines with an annual output of 2.19 billion meters of grey cloth, forming a complete industrial chain from lint processing to spinning, weaving, chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, clothing, home textile and other links. In 2015, the total output value of the industry reached 59.58 billion yuan (including chemical fiber), accounting for 1/6 of the total output value of the textile industry in the province. The comprehensive strength ranked the first in the province.

The next three to five years will be the golden period for the transformation of textile and garment enterprises in Our city. The industry will show a medium-low growth rate with an average annual growth rate of about 11%, and the industrial structure and product quality will be greatly improved and enhanced. During the period of "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in", zhuhai will focus on two key construction characteristic industrial park (city textile and garment industrial park, city chemical fiber textile industrial park), the construction of the three characteristics of plate (home textile, chemical fiber, printing and dyeing), form the four industrial clusters (larger, yicheng, laohekou shi, gokseong), scale, more than 80% of the textile and garment enterprises into the park, realize the group development.

At the same time, to the technology improvement, quality improvement and brand as key, energetically cultivate leading enterprises, the construction of characteristic industrial park, to speed up the civil-military integration and development of producer services, build a green ecological textile production base for the Midwest, printing and dyeing and finishing production base, cultivating the national famous production base of plant fiber, domestic important textile new materials production base, To continuously enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of xiangyang textile industry and strive to build a national famous city of light and textile industry.

By 2018, the total output value of the city's textile and garment industry above designated size will increase to 80 billion yuan, with an annual growth rate of 10.3%; Cultivate more than 7 enterprises with annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan, and create one or two domestic well-known brands.

(Xiangyang Evening News)

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